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Join Your Local Swimming Team

Swimming teams and clubs are not exclusive to schools only. There are community based teams or clubs out there that welcome professional and amateur talent to their pool of swimmers. If you have wanted to join your school team before and did not have that chance, you can now have the chance to represent your community or fitness club to local and national competitions. Winning in there might even lead to an opportunity to represent the nation in the international level.

Aside from the prestige that might come with joining a swimming team, there are other benefits one can gain from affiliating oneself with such group.

Health Benefits

Swimming is one of those strenuous activities that develop many aspects of your physical health. It can help improve your respiratory health, it is even recommended for individuals with asthma or respiratory concerns. If your family is prone to developing heart conditions, swimming can help you strengthen your cardiovascular system too. This activity too can help in developing the muscles in your body, since they are worked out to their maximum level. Lastly, this exercise helps a lot in losing weight so it can really help you get into a good shape.

Self Development

Swimming teams are not just there to provide the entertainment but discipline as well. You are part of a sports team that aspires to reach the highest level of athleticism. It is not east to get there and a lot of self-control should be practiced to get to the top. Swimmers are always reminded to observe proper diet and sleeping habits, since these two factors greatly affects your performance. Swimmers are also reminded to be diligent in their practices and be humble in taking in criticisms from their coaches. Like any other sport, swimming is a good way to develop good character in a person.


Since you are part of a team, you definitely get to interact with other people. You become friends with your teammates and you learn to deal with persons in authority, like your coach. You can have a healthy competition with your peers but at the same time be each other’s cheerer in competitions. You learn to look after the welfare of other people. You can probably find your lifelong friends in this team.

Mental Health

This portions deserves its own discussion. Mental health concerns are increasing nowadays both for adults and children. It has been established in the literature how engaging in activities, like swimming, helps in keeping yourself sane. If an activity like this becomes a habit, you find yourself more tolerant to stressful situations. You can manage anxiety-inducing interactions at work or school. It is easier for active people to focus in comparison to those who purely in a sedentary life.

If you are still thinking twice about joining a swimming team, think again of the many benefits you can gain out of it. You are probably struggling in your life right now and swimming could be something that could nudge you out of your stupor.

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