2019 Predictions for Which State May Legalize Weed
The use of weed has been increasing in the world today because they can be used for both medical and recreational purposes. However, one important thing you will notice is that not every state has legalized the use of such products. For example, for recreational purposes, only in 10 states have legalized and for medical purposes, 33 states use the marijuana products. One important fact about the use of marijuana product is that every state has its own opinion about it. Therefore, as legislators continue to look economic and health benefit of weed, most states joining the rank. Discussed in this article are some more details on likely state to legalize the use of weed.
Connecticut is likely to be one of the next states to legalize the use of weed especially by changing the legislation in the near future. this can be predicted especially in a recent interview with Gov. elect Tom Lamont who said that it is time to consider seriously the idea of legalizing marijuana. It was, therefore, called upon for a new system to tax and also to regulate the cannabis across the state especially when it comes to funding opioid treatment programs.
Another states that are likely to change the opinion on the use of recreational and medical marijuana is Minnesota. The changes are likely to come through Tim Walz who promised the citizens to help them in exercising their freedom when it comes to the use of weed recreationally. It is not something that was from the beginning because he was against it as the former Democratic governor but knows has promised to help the economy by coming up with new policies that can help in creating jobs and also tax revenues.
You can also anticipate the change especially when it comes to Illinois. There are indicators everywhere about the legalization especially when the incoming governor decided to make a campaign speech in front of a cannabis dispensary. It is a great indicator of the support of this initiative according to many people.
You can also predict some changes in New Jersey, especially from the governor Phil Murphy. The campaign started in 2017 and that is why you find that both the Senate and assembly committees have passed legalization legislation on this. You also may expect some legalization of the use of weed in New York and you can always read more about this to discover more and also in New Mexico, and Rhode Island.