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What to Do When You Click on Phishing Link

To start with, phishing can be referred to as a situation where scammers use email or text messages to trick you into handing over your personal info. These can be passwords, account numbers, social security numbers, and more info. Becoming a victim of such circumstances can make you lose a lot as well as exposing more about your secrets. View here for more on this website to learn more about staying safe when a phisher strike.

First of all, you will have to disconnect and examine your device. In case you click on a link in a spam email you need to disconnect from the internet. By doing this you will be preventing other devices on your network from getting infected. The other benefit is that it reduces the risk of important information being retrieved by phishers.

Apart from that, you should also scan for malware. You find that it is realized that there is a virus but it is recommended that when you open an attachment, you run a complete system scan. Some of the free tools that you can use are Microsoft attack simulator and for Mac users, they can use Malwarebytes. It is essential to note that scanning can take time and you should be patient. It is also recommended that you ignore error messages that are asking you to connect to the internet. Apart from that, you are advised to follow the instructions to restart the device once the scanning is complete. The other thing that you should do is to contact the IT services for help in case you are unsure of what to do.

The other thing that you should do is changing your passwords and username. One thing that you should understand is that when scammers sent you a fake site and you enter your personal information they will probably capture it. Apart from that, malware always logs vital information and you need to wait until the system is safe. One of the safest things to do is to change all your passwords and username for your work email, social media, and the bank account. Apart from that, it is also recommended that you avoid using the same username and password because it will be easy to hack.

To sum up, you should also flag email and alert the federal trade commission. First of all, flag the phishing email. One thing that you should know is that Outlook has that option and Microsoft will be alerted and they will advise you on what to do. Apart from that, you should also make a step to forward the phishing email at spam@uce.gov for further investigation. By now you have a better knowledge of how you can stay safe from phishing link.